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The Concept

    Organized competition among one-person canoes began its modern history in the mid-1970s.  In order to standardize competitive designs, measurements were transferred directly from two-person canoes or C-2s to the new one-person or C-1 competition classes.  These specifications called for both C-1 and C-2 boats to measure 32” wide at the 4” waterline - better known as the “4 by 32” rule.  Over time, as competitive canoeing became more popular, boat designers and builders began developing more efficient C-1 canoes, but were constrained by the 4x32 specification.

    This resulted in the designs we see today, with narrow bows and wide wings at the midpoint of the canoe; a compromise between the most efficient design possible and the specifications adopted decades earlier.  Producing competitive canoes has become increasingly expensive as boats must be molded in sections using large amounts of material in order to meet class specifications.  These costs are reflected in the rapidly rising prices for new C-1 canoes.  It is time for a new approach, a new concept.

    The new concept is a simple one, a boat design driven by function rather than by artificial specifications.  The classic hull speed formula or speed-length ratio for displacement boats like canoes, is 1.34√LWL, the square root of the waterline length (LWL) in feet multiplied by 1.34.  By this calculation, an 18’6” boat has a theoretical hull speed of 5.76 knots or 6.63 miles per hour.  It has been demonstrated that a lightweight boat with a relatively narrow width and sharp wave-piercing bow can exceed theoretical hull speed without planing.  Thus light weight, narrow width boats with sharp entry bows are faster.

    The Newman Pro C-1 is the result of five years development following these concepts. After six prototypes and hundreds of hours of on-water testing, the result is a competition canoe that is faster, smoother handling and more efficient to paddle, in addition to being more economical to build and own. The efficiency and simplicity of the design reduces production costs for a most affordable, light and tough carbon-fiber boat that demonstrates unmatched speed and handling. The Newman Pro C-1 measures 18’ 6” in length, 24” wide at the waist and ranges from 13” to 11” to 9” deep in the stern. Check it out.

Pro C-1 available in all carbon for $3445


Width Minimum: 3" x 23"

Depth: Bow - 13"

Center - 11"

Stern - 9"

Length: Maximum - 18' 6"

Widest point within 12" of center

Chine at center of boat must be a continuous curve that meets a 4" x 72" jig

Open canoe with minimal decks and thwarts with one lunch counter allowed

Higher volume Pro C-1 concept boat designed for paddlers displacing 180 lbs and up is available.



Hunter Sharp and Luke seeing the world in a GRB Legend. Luke is the one not paddling.


Kevin Olson with his son Ed, getting in a workout paddling a Concept as a tandem!


A Monarch checking out Hearts Falls 

photo by Natalie Newman Ramsey

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